kahlil cummings

Official page of the virtuoso percussionist, Kahlil Cummings.

2016: Year of Bringing Clarity

Kicked off the year looking for ways to bring the music to places that needed to be healed. Honored to have brought it to the nation. Thanks Kendrick.

It's been flowing nicely since then, even over the bumps in the road. If you follow me on Instagram, you know what I'm talking about. So here's my first of many blog posts to come. #capofresh

Extra Ancestral has new threads available. We have Men/Women shirts styled by Kahlil Cummings. Extra Ancestral Jersey Style logo. The number 9 represents the West African archetype and deified ancestor known as Oya.(Mother of 9 Ancestors) Send us an email to purchase your threads now. All sizes available for 20$ extraancetral@gmail.com.

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